Israel EMS Shipment EB716717420CN was Shipped

Number: EB716717420CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Israel
2020-05-08 15:39, The EMS item is in China Rep Pop at the EMS sorting Center.
2020-04-16 01:56, The EMS item is in China Rep Pop at the EMS sorting Center.
2020-04-15 23:50, The EMS item is in China Rep Pop at the EMS sorting Center.
2020-04-15 21:14, The EMS item was sent by the sender via the postal unit in China Rep Pop.
2020-05-09 06:24, 广州市, 已交航空公司运输
2020-05-09 04:48, 广州市, 离开【广州国际中心】,下一站【广州国际交换站】
2020-05-08 15:39, 广州市, 【广州国际中心】已出口直封
2020-05-08 15:39, 广州市, 【广州国际中心】退回,备注:安检退回
2020-04-16 05:57, 广州市, 已交航空公司运输
2020-04-16 03:05, 广州市, 到达【广州国际中心】
2020-04-16 01:56, 广州市, 【广州国际中心】已出口直封
2020-04-15 22:00, 广州市, 离开【国际速递花地湾揽投部】,下一站【广州国际中心】
2020-04-15 21:14, 广州市, 【国际速递花地湾揽投部】已收件,揽投员:周少佳,电话:17391391390
2020-04-14 19:57, 物流订单已创建
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